In addition to custom colors we can integrate your advertising markings directly on your wing at our manufacturing plant.
Four areas are available:
INTRADOSAREA 1 - wing centerAREA 2 - right wing tip AREA 3 - left wing tip
EXTRADOSAREA 4 - wing center
This is a simulation, for technical reasons, the location, size and colors may vary significantly during production.For an optimal result, you must provide us with your logo in vector format. Accepted formats: EPS, AI, PDF, DXF, DWG
Do not hesitate to contact your local ITV dealer for all the details and customization possibilities of your wing. - Custom colors: 290 € TTC. - Logo / marking / sponsor name: from 100 € including the VAT (Value Added Tax) - free estimate. - Delivery time: 7 to 10 weeks depending on the project