Matt Minyard
He has his favorite wing in every kind of practices
Date of birth:29/06/1992
equipment:Baja, Wasabi, Piper, Guardian, Awak 3, Piper tandem
Favorite quote :The mix of all discipline is the best training
Who is Matt ?
Matt Minyard is an American paragliding and paramotoring pilot who joined the ITV team in 2021.
When he was a child, he dreamed about being a superhero to fly and save the world…His wish almost came true, he flies now all day long and shares his knowledge with his students.
When we ask him which ITV wings he loves the best, he seems a little confused/embarrassed.. and for good reason ! He operates in so many different flight areas, that he has his favorite wing in every kind of practices.
For long distance flights or wild weather, he would choose the Piper and you’ll understand why with his story below.
During flight in very bad weather conditions, he thought so many times that his wing would flip over or close... However, he was able to fly for several hours at full speed, with full trims open. From this day onwards, his trust in his piper is undeniable!!
On the other hand, in calm weather and to realize many flips as possible, have fun touching the wing’s tip touches, he chooses the Awak 3: "it’s so agile that when I think of just a barrel, it makes two in one"!
Matt aspires to live his pilot’s life as fully as possible.
He intends to take part in lots of trip as well, to train students, participate in aerial shows in the desert while continuing to deepen his mechanical and technical skills.
He’s very interested in the evolution of the material and the understanding of wings behavior.
Having a complete acro training is the key to master the intermediate steps of flight by going forward, backward and down, like an elevator.
Yoga practice complete his training and help him to keep a healthy life balance. To cover all fun activities and to face his fear.. he added base-jump to his hobbies!
« In my personal viewpoint, the mix of all discipline is the best training: Base-jump, paragliding, paramotoring, planes and hot-air balloons all in one large playground ».